Mobile game for Universe Science Park

Client: Universe
Timespan: 2018
Key Focus: App design & UX
Players (1st year)
ROI (First year)
More followers on SoMe after the launch of Trofæjagten
Trophies found
User generated posts on facebook, Instagram and YouTube
The game helped secure the best visitor-numbers in 10 years.

Establishing a visual universe and logo for the game that sparks excitement and adds a bit of magic.

The hidden badges were designed and manufactured as physical emblems scattered around the park

The core idea behind the app was to get kids to see more of the park.
While the game is played on phones, the codes are found around the park and nudge kids to move and play more.

The game mechanics are simple. Locate a code in the park - Enter the code, and win a trophy. The player with the most trophies collected during the day takes home the prize.

The visual universe was applied throughout the game to create an immersive experience in the magical steam-punk-science-inspired aesthetics.

Along with the UX and UI we also designed every trophy that could be won in the app.

The game has been a huge success for Universe Science Park. Not only a fun way to experience the park, but also a great way to get more returning customers. 5 years into the game is still played passionately by many guests.

Kudos to
Design Lead / Alexander Spliid
Design / Trine Rønsholdt
Design / Kristoffer Balzer Nielsen