
One card less

Client: Digitaliseringsstyrelsen

Timespan: Jan '20 - Jan '21

Key Focus: App Design

Designing an app that is accessible, intuitive and familiar to all segments of the Danish population is no easy task, but with an established relic like the Danish Health Card (Sygesikringsbeviset), that was non-the-less the job ahead. Through extensive user testing the final design system was based on three core insights: Make it familiar, make it simple, make it easy to use. Today the (digital) yellow card is an incremental part of the Danish Health System with +2,1 mio. downloads. It allows residents to automatically update their personal health information, change doctors and easily access the Health Cards of their children. A strong example of how human-centred design can improve life for the better.

No 1.

Most downloaded app in DK




Rating in App Store


Danes signed up for organ donation

The design borrows the iconic yellow of the original card, to help create trust.

Utilizing digital design to enhance and improve the physical card without loosing visual recognizability

Through a careful design process and immense user testing, the app got its final form.

Easy onboarding illustrations and infographics provided access across age groups and tech-competencies.

One design system covers three apps and the visual consistency improves the user-trust across.

Edge cases and error screens were designed for every possible scenario to avoid losing users in the process.

It's mandatory for all Danish citizens to hold a 'Sundhedskort' and therefore the app adheres to all accessibility principles, as one of the first public apps in Denmark.

Within the first week, the app secured a record-breaking 27.000 Danes registering as organ donors by using a simple notification feature when opening the app. This normally takes around +6 months.

A clear communication concept based on the iconic and recognisable yellow color and simple, bold copy highlights the core features. The material was used in the nationwide campaign.

During Covid-19 testing, the app helped remove the hassle of remembering a physical card.

The Sundhedskort App was widely adopted by Danes, harnessing 2.000.000 downloads within the first six months and used on a daily basis by more than 170.000.

Case video

Kudos to

Design Lead / Alexander Spliid

Lead UI Design / Søren Schrøder

Motion Design / Nikolaj Trane

Designer / Martin Balle

Designer / Trine Rønsholdt

Project Manager / Michael Valentin

Project Manager / Nana Skak

Development: twoday