Episode one Ventures

Born to found - Raised to fund

Client: Episode one

Timespan: August - December '23

Key Focus: Website and Brand

“The UK’s leading seed-stage B2B SaaS VC fund.” With a 73% success rate from seed to Series A, Episode one sought to set itself apart from its competitors in the Venture Capital market. The London VC sector was crowded, competitive and noisy, and they wanted to be different. Previously investing in start-ups such as Zoopla, Attest and Carwow, E1’s reputation was widely recognized, but their website and branding failed to reflect this. They wanted to rebrand and create a website that would help generate interest among the most promising tech start-ups - so the choice to take an investment from E1 was more appealing. Extensive research established two things about the brand. Firstly, E1 is composed of people who have previously been founders and operators themselves. Secondly, these people have decades of knowledge and experience in VC under their belts. These two highlighted aspects of E1’s brand ultimately defined their revamped brand identity.

We developed a positioning strategy, new communications, a rebrand and a fresh website to better tell the stories of who they are and their track record.

The new website experience reflects the idea - of “born to found - raised to fund”, balancing the fine line between relatability and expertise. E1’s visual identity is crafted with a timeless and professional touch, mirroring the values that define them. With a palette of steadfast hues and clean lines, we evoke a sense of stability, aiming to add trust and welcome founders into a relationship rooted in a shared vision.

The connection from “0 to 1” is the evolution from seed to Series A, and beyond. We used that as a visual guideline of growth and put it at the centre of our brand activation strategy.

Our colour palette is a testament to simplicity and modernity. However, when it’s time to call attention to key elements, we deploy a distinct and vibrant orange.

Kudos to

Client Lead / Jamie Vaughan

Client Lead / Dženita Džindo

Strategist / Sofie Henriksen

Designer / Kristoffer Balzer Nielsen

Designer / Julie Elgaard