Uncovering the story and services beneath the surface

Client: DOT A/S

Timespan: Apr '24 - present

Key Focus: Web design, Webflow, Brand

Surface treatment might not sound exciting at first, but it’s crucial - and DOT A/S has been proving that since 1984. Formerly known as Dansk Overflade Teknik, DOT has been protecting structures like buildings, bridges, and libraries with their innovative services for decades. What began as a simple website redesign evolved into a complete overhaul of DOT’s external communication. The focus shifted from individual products to highlighting their full-service operations. The result? A dynamic Webflow website launched in five languages, fresh video and photo content, and a comprehensive marketing setup. This new brand presence positions DOT for global growth, elevating them as a leader in the surface treatment industry.

Kudos to

Project Manager / Oliver Alminde

Lead Web Flow Designer / Julie Elgaard

Technical Support / Tore Heimann

Web Flow Developer / James Chu

Growth Support / Roxana-Paula Ciobanu

Designer / Søren Schrøder

Photography and Film / Nikolaj Trane

Strategist / Mathias Rønnow

Advisor / Hans Theisen