Kørekort App
Client: Digitaliseringsstyrelsen
Timespan: '20
Key Focus: App Design
No. 1
In App Store for 4 mo.
Rating in App Store
CCA 2021
Winner for Best App Design
Visual identity
Re-designing an old classic, and keeping it familiar. App development was done by twoday.
App Design
Core screens and onboarding
Easy onboarding and menu
To keep the ID card as secure as possible, we utilized the NFC reader in smartphones to scan your passport data. The dynamic QR code for police officers and gyroscope tilt in icons maximize safety and reduce the possibility of fraud.
Turning a classic digital
Icon design
Card and icon
Core design components (Design System)
Alternate Card Views
The app is designed with the wide population in mind. The main focus was designing an onboarding experience that would resonate with the entire population using explanatory illustrations, simple graphics and precise video examples to guide the user through an easy onboarding.
Animated onboarding illustrations
Designed for iOS and Android
Easy onboarding
With over 1.000.000 downloads, the app has become the most successful app ever implemented in the public service sector, winning prestigious awards (Digitaliseringsprisen & 2 gold Creative Circle awards). It continues to be one of the best rated public app in Denmark.
Full case video
Kudos to
Project Lead / Alexander Spliid
Lead Designer / Martin Balle
Designer / Søren Schrøder
Motion Graphics / Nikolaj Trane
Illustration / Martin Balle
Illustration / Trine Rønsholdt
Development: twoday