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Client: 7-Eleven Norvège
Timespan: Jan '20 - present
Key Focus: Brand & Digital
Defining and designing the brand hierarchy of 7-Eleven.

Ongoing food concepts help position 7-Eleven as the go-to food destination for convenient, well-priced, delicious delights.

A full set of playful illustrations paired with witty copy-writing adds a spark of joy to the communication.

Inspired by the global 7-Eleven identity, the new brand expands on the core values of fun, adventure, energy, and freedom.

Campaigns and collaborations with Coca-Cola, Red Bull, and Monster create buzz and cross-promotion in stores.

Along with the brand work we worked in parallel to transform 7-Eleven digitally, including the design of new and existing 7-Eleven apps.

From custom playlists in every store to reimagining convenience store. We’ve elevated everything.

Samples of OLD Identity

Samples of NEW Identity

Kudos to
Client Lead / Hedvig Aanesen
Project Manager / Jana Opsahl
Lead Strategist / Mads Lindum
Lead Design / Martin Balle
Illustrations / Lilla Bardenova
Illustrations & Graphic design / Natalia Garcez